Reservations and cancellation policy

Please read our resort policies about making or cancelling reservations

As we have a few types of properties to book, the policies might be slightly different.

Payment, Cancellation, Modification and Refund Policies

ALL reservations are paid in full at the time of the booking by Visa or MasterCard.

River Rentals

Our river tubes, kayaks, SUPs require an online reservation – bookings close at midnight the day before the activity. Cancellation refund and or modification: 0-3 days prior to your activity is zero refund and no changes are permitted to the reservation, 4-14 days prior to your activity is 50% refund or a 50% credit is applied to a modification of your reservation. No refunds will be issued if participants are 15min late or choose not to participate at the last minute or are removed from the course due to their inability to follow guide instructions or to participate safely.

Canopy Cycle – VéloVolant

Our canopy cycle rides REQUIRE a reservations. Cancellation refund and or modification: 0-3 days prior to your activity is zero refund and no changes are permitted to the reservation, 4-14 days prior to your activity is 50% refund or a 50% credit is applied to a modification of your reservation, 15days or more is 80% refund or a 80% credit is applied to a modification of your reservation. No refunds will be issued if participants are denied access to the course for failure to meet screening or participation requirements (including exceeding the maximum weight requirement 220lb or 100kg, not meeting the age requirement 12 years old and minimum height 55 inches), choose not to participate at the last minute, or are removed from the course for their inability to follow guide instructions or to participate safely. 

ObservEtoiles  –  Night Sky Odyssey

Cancellation refund and or modification: 0-7 days prior to your activity is zero refund and no changes are permitted to the reservation (the total amount of the reservation becomes non-refundable), 8- 14 days prior to your activity a 50% refund or a 50% credit is applied to a modification of your reservation, 15 days or more prior to your activity a 75% refund or a 75% credit is applied to a modification of your reservation. 7 days and less before your arrival, no modifications or cancellations are permitted for any reason, no exceptions. There are no refunds or credits issued for early checkouts or late arrivals (once the show has started you can no longer be admitted to the planetarium). WHAT HAPPENS IF IT’S CLOUDY: The show still takes place if sky’s are not clear.The headset still allows to you see the constellations and the brightest objects in the sky. WHAT HAPPENS IF THERE’S HEAVY RAIN: If heavy rain is forecast a decision will be made to cancel the show 2 hours or more before the show. We will send a cancellation text to the cell phone or e-mail address you used to reserve. No phone calls will be made.  You will be able to rebook your reservation, receive a voucher for one year or a reimbursement minus a 10% transaction fee.

Postponement or delay of activity by Au Diable Vert

Au Diable Vert is committed to everyone’s safety and certain activities are also weather-dependent to operate. Where safety or weather calls for a delay of an activity or time slot an alternative will be offered. The client fully accepts and understands that this alternative may not necessarily be on the same day, but we will endeavour to accommodate needs as best we can. 

The decision to cancel an activity will be made at least 2 hours or more before the start of the activity. We will send a cancellation text to the cell phone or e-mail address you used to reserve. No phone calls will be made.  You will be able to rebook your reservation, receive a voucher for one year or a reimbursement minus a transaction fee (10% or a minimum of 5$).





full name:

postal address:

date of birth:

acknowledge and agree that in consideration of being permitted to participate in VéloVolant organized, staged and/or operated by 9267-2377 Quebec Inc. o/a VéloVolant and/or 9229-4685 Quebec Inc. o/a Au Diable Vert (hereinafter referred to as the operator”):

1.I DO HEREBY RELEASE the operator and its directors, officers, employees, sponsors, independent contractors and agents from all liability, and DO HEREBY WAIVE as against the operator and its directors, officers, employees, sponsors, independent contractors and agents all recourses, proceedings, claims, and causes of action of any kind whatsoever, in respect of any and all personal injuries or property losses which I may suffer arising out of or connected with my preparation for, or participation in VéloVolant notwithstanding that such injuries or losses may have been caused solely or partly by the negligence or breach of duty of the operator, or any of their directors, officers, employees, sponsors, independent contractors or agents.


  • VéloVolant may be dangerous, exposing participants to many risks and hazards, some of which are inherent in the very nature of VéloVolant itself, others which result from human error and negligence on the part of the persons involved in organizing, staging and/or operating the VéloVolant;
  • as a result of the aforesaid risks and hazards, I as a participant may suffer serious personal injury, even death, as well as property loss;
  • some of the aforesaid risks and hazards are foreseeable, but others are not;
  • I nevertheless freely and voluntarily assume all the aforesaid risks and hazards, and that, accordingly, my preparation for, and participation in VéloVolant shall be entirely at my own risk;
  • I understand that neither the operator nor any of its directors, officers, employees, sponsors, independent contractors or agents assume any responsibility whatsoever for my safety during the course of my preparation for or participation in VéloVolant;
  • I have carefully read this RELEASE and WAIVER of LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION of RISK AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”), that I fully understand same, and that I am freely and voluntarily executing same;
  • I clearly understand that by signing this Agreement I will be FOREVER PREVENTED FROM SUING OR OTHERWISE CLAIMING against the operator, its directors, officers, employees, sponsors, independent contractors and agents for any loss or damage connected with any property loss or personal injury that I may sustain while participating in or preparing for VéloVolant, whether or not such loss or injury is caused solely or partly by the negligence of the operator or any of its directors, officers, employees, sponsors, independent contractors and/or agents;
  • I have been given the opportunity and have been encouraged to seek legal advice prior to signing this Agreement;
  • I clearly understand that the operator would not permit me to participate in the operator unless I signed this RELEASE and WAIVER of LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION of RISK AGREEMENT, that this RELEASE and WAIVER of LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION of RISK AGREEMENT applies to VéloVolant whether occurring in the near or distant future, and that the terms of this Agreement have been explained to me by the operator or one or more of their representatives;
  • this RELEASE and WAIVER of LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION of RISK AGREEMENT is binding on myself, my heirs, my executors, administrators, personal representatives and assigns;
  • this Agreement may be in addition to another agreement I must sign as a condition of participation in VéloVolant and that I am bound by the terms and conditions of both agreements; and
  • I agree that I am physically capable of participating in VéloVolant, and that I have no pre-existing conditions that would hinder my ability to participate in VéloVolant.

participant full name:

participant signature:


This Agreement must be completed in full, initialed, dated, signed and witnessed prior to participating in VéloVolant.



I, ________________________(name of participant minor)

postal address:

date of birth:

hereby acknowledge and agree that:

  • VéloVolant may be dangerous, exposing participants to many risks and hazards, some of which are inherent in the very nature of VéloVolant itself, others which result from human error and negligence on the part of the persons involved in preparing, organizing and staging the VéloVolant;
  • As a result of the aforesaid risks and hazards, I as a participant may suffer serious personal injury, even death, as well as property loss;
  • Some of the aforesaid risks and hazards are foreseeable, but others are not;
  • I nevertheless FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL THE AFORESAID RISKS AND HAZARDS, and that, accordingly, my preparation for, and participation in VéloVolant SHALL BE ENTIRELY AT MY OWN RISK;
  • I understand that neither VéloVolant organized, staged and/or operated by 9269-2377 Quebec Inc. o/a VéloVolant and/or 9229-4685 Quebec Inc. o/a Au Diable Vert (hereinafter referred to as “the operator”) nor any of its directors, officers, employees, sponsors, independent contractors, members, players or agents assume any responsibility whatsoever for my safety during the course of my preparation for or participation in VéloVolant;
  • I have carefully read this ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK FORM, fully understand same, and acknowledge that I am freely and voluntarily executing this Form;
  • I have been given the opportunity and have been encouraged to seek legal and parental advice prior to signing this Form;
  • I clearly understand that the operator would not permit me to participate in VéloVolant unless I signed this ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK FORM, and that this ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK FORM applies to the VéloVolant and that the terms of this Form and have been explained · to me by the operator or one or more of their representatives and my parents; and· I am physically capable of participating in VéloVolant and that I have no pre-existing conditions that would hinder my ability to participate in VéloVolant.

parent or legal guardian:

email parent or legal guardian:

Signature parent or legal guardian:

This Agreement must be completed in full, initialed, dated, signed and witnessed prior to participating in VéloVolant.

Reservations are paid in full at the time of the booking. If canceled up to 15 days prior to the arrival date a 75% refund will be issued. As of 14 days and less before arrival the total amount of the reservation becomes non-refundable. 14 days and less before your arrival, no modifications or cancellations are permitted for any reason, no exceptions. There are no refunds or credits issued for early checkouts.

Moving a reservation is possible if requested 14 days or more ahead of the check-in date. The cost associated is 25%.

Reservations are paid in full at the time of the booking. If canceled up to 15 days prior to the arrival date a 50% refund will be issued. As of 14 days and less before arrival the total amount of the reservation becomes non-refundable. 14 days and less before your arrival, no modifications or cancellations are permitted for any reason, no exceptions. There are no refunds or credits issued for early checkouts.

Moving a reservation is possible if requested 14 days or more ahead of the check-in date. The cost associated are 25%.

The maximum number of guests and/or tents is clearly marked for each suite, cabin and campsite. This number includes infants, children and adults. For insurance and permit reasons these maximums are strictly enforced. Any guests above the maximum will be refused entry.
We have a two night minimum for the suites and all other lodgings including the camping. Long weekends are a three night minimum (Easter, Patriots day, St-Jean Baptist, Canada Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving). In vacation periods there is a four night minimum for suites and a 3 night minimum for all other lodging including the camping (Christmas and New Year period, Spring break, Construction holidays). Please verify with us if your desired booking date falls into one of these periods and what the minimum stay requirement is.

Dogs are welcome. They are free of charge, but must be registered on reservation. We allow a maximum of 2 dogs per lodging. Dogs must be controlled at all times.

We close the gates 5 p.m., Saturday through Thursday, and 9 p.m. on Fridays (with exception of holiday periods).

Latest check-in is 15min before closure, 30min if you want a bag service.

Please note that a $30/hour fee will be applied to your credit card if you arrive after 5pm/9pm. Please notify us of your late arrival before closing to avoid a no-show cancellation of your reservation.

We guarantee access to your accommodation starting at 2 p.m., but you are welcome to use the trails starting at 10 a.m. on the day of your arrival.

Check-out : hand in your keys by 11 a.m. or take your time with a late check out by 1 p.m. (late check-out fees with be automatically applied if you do not check out by 11 a.m.).

Check in and check out for campsite is 2 p.m.